Show Synopsis: Running Wilde "Arrested Development" alums Mitch Hurwitz and Will Arnett reunite to executive produce this romantic comedy, which also stars Arnett. Arnett plays Steve Wilde, an immature playboy who desperately wants to win the heart of his childhood sweetheart, Emmy (Keri Russell). Emmy, a humanitarian, wants Steve to help her fight Wilde Oil, a company run by his father. But Steve faces a dilemma because fighting his father's company would put his meal ticket in jeopardy. Steve enlists his friends to help him woo Emmy.
Directed by: John Fortenberry
Starring: Will Arnett, Keri Russell, Stefania LaVie Owen, Mel Rodriguez, Robert Michael Morris
Production company(s): Tantamount Studios, Principato-Young Entertainment, 5 Hole Pictures, and Lionsgate Television
Release Date: December 7, 2010
My Role:
Extra - pickpocket at international fair

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