Show Synopsis: Dr. Hank Lawson's fast track to success is derailed when he is blamed for the death of a hospital trustee. Blacklisted from the medical community, his life changes one weekend in the Hamptons when he helps a party guest who is in need of medical attention. And so begins, with the encouragement of his younger brother, Evan, Hank's entrance into the world of private medical service. But being the on-call doctor for the Hamptons' rich, famous and infamous isn't exactly the professional life Hank envisioned. As time goes on, Hank and those close to him face pivotal life decisions, which could take Hank away from the Hamptons.
Directed by: Michael Rauch Starring: Mark Feuerstein, Paulo Costanzo, Jill Flint, Reshma Shetty, Campbell Scott Production company (s): 34 Films, Prospect Park, Universal Cable Productions, and Open 4 Business Productions
Released: February 17, 2011
My Role:
Extra - Interacts with main character in NY Central Park